Friday, April 24, 2009

Chicken Pics

I bought the chicks on April 4th - here are some pics starting with the beginning of April to now...

I picked up five chicks, two Broilers (a white feather fast growing meat bird), two Rhode Island Reds and one Bantam Amerucana.
Their names (in order of breed) are: Dinner, Lunch, Scrambled, Sunny (side-up), and Roast Beef(y) (my youngest daughter insisted that was what its name was to be, Roast Beefy)

Here is Dinner (consistently our biggest bird)

All the baby chicks at the feeder

Roast Beefy (not yet sure if it's a boy or girl - it has curled toes though - I tried to correct these with chick shoes [tape, band-aids, etc] but no luck, once the shoes were off (s)he would just start walking funny again)

Roast Beefy in "shoes"

The ladies (the Rhode Island Reds)

Getting bigger

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