Thursday, April 2, 2009


books that I will be reviewing soon:

The refrigerator and the universe : understanding the laws of energy / Martin Goldstein, Inge F. Goldstein.

A short history of nearly everything / Bill Bryson.

Gödel, Escher, Bach : an eternal golden braid / Douglas R. Hofstadter.

The ten most beautiful experiments / by George Johnson.

Your inner fish : a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body / Neil Shubin.

Home cheese making : recipes for 75 homemade cheeses / Ricki Carroll

The bread baker's apprentice : mastering the art of extraordinary bread / by Peter Reinhart

The backyard beekeeper : an absolute beginner's guide to keeping bees in your yard and garden / Kim Flottum.

Artisan bread in five minutes a day : the discovery that revolutionizes home baking / Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois

The backyard homestead / edited by Carleen Madigan.

World War Z : an oral history of the zombie war / Max Brooks

Neverwhere / Neil Gaiman

Earth Abides

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