Our blog has been silent for quite a while as we have been getting our ducks (and chickens) in a row. As you know we have been staunch advocates of back-yard chickens for home egg production through support of MI Chicken Revolution. What you may not know is that we have been working towards setting up shop to meet the community need for responsible and respectful poultry meat production. For the next several months we will be focused on free-range naturally-fed chicken followed by pre-orders for Thanksgiving turkeys.
This new opportunity is due is no small part to the passage of Oregon House Bill 2872 which allows community level poultry processing. By purchasing poultry through Hygge Farm you can be confident that your food has been produced locally in the most natural and sustainable way possible. In fact, we welcome you to stop by the farm any time for a self-guided tour or call ahead as we provide educational tours every Saturday.
In addition, Hygge Farm believes in end-to-end supply chain transparency and we are proud to be partners with Murray McMurray Hatchery and Wilco Co-op. Stop on by any time and we would be happy to discuss how our business model works.
We also ask that you, our loyal customers, help grow sustainable local businesses by communicating our message to your friends and family. With the opportunities and restrictions set forth in HB2872 we are limited in our production and so we would love to help others start their own poultry business rather that attempt to outgrow our roots.
In sharing our message we want to be proactive with our current and future customers and so we have found that it is key to craft a message that honestly resonates with you. Not only must we proudly carry the flag of sustainable agriculture but conversely, we must be careful how loudly we beat the drum of change. Many of you know quite well the troubles facing big poultry processors and the poor quality of life facing the poultry in their care; but harping on the negative message only creates more discord. Please help us spread the positive message of personal responsibility for our place in the food chain. We are the caretakers of our world and our fellow species. As long we respect the circle of life we will have a continued place in it.
***Please note – this blog post is a demonstration post only, for academic reference. Hygge Farm is still in conceptualization phase and is not actively in production.
McMurray. (2013). About us. Retrieved on 7, December
2013 from http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/faqtop.html
OLA. (2011, May 19). House bill 2872. Retrieved from http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/FSD/docs/pdf/fm_hb_2872.pdf
P, D. (2013). M-i chicken revolution. Retrieved on 7,
December 2013 from http://www.michickenrevolution.com/
Wilco. (2013). Who is wilco. Retrieved on 7, December
2013 from http://www.wilco.coop/about/who_is_wilco/
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